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  • 【Client】CHANGELOG

    Client Download Method Other than auto update Quark Netdisk: Join community: Baidu Netdisk Key: KYJG: Chinatelecom Cloud(Access code:exn0): Automatic update window does not appear? Rc1.0.1: 2025-01-15 Fix a {%= LNORMAL %} issue where unable to return to the game via shortcut. Fix a {%= LNORMAL %} issue where unable to activate Pinned Window Mode. Rc1.0.0: 2025-01-14 Update engine version to 2021.3.20f1c1. Change base framework, now uses YooAsset+HybridCLR to implement hot-updates for long-term support. Improve overall fluency. Probably add a bunch of bugs. Notice: This version can not be updated through the updater, please redownload the full package. --- beta5.2.4: 2024-12-4 Fix a {%= LRARE %} issue that may cause a blank screen when double-clicking on Region Select button. Fix a {%= LRARE %} issue that may cause the malfunction of Position Tracker after reporting errors when downloading and decompressing. Fix a {%= LNORMAL %} issue that may cause a save error so that the program cannot exit. Fix a {%= LNORMAL %} issue that may cause the Position Tracker setting to OFF when enabling Position Tracker via shortcut. Fix a {%= LNORMAL %} issue that may cause the "Switch Map" text overlaps with the item when searching for items on other maps. Fix a {%= LNORMAL %} issue where the startup screen scales incorrectly. Add a new option "Show 'found' pin detail on middle click only" that is "Lock 'Found' Pins". Separate UI scaling from map scaling, and increase the zoom range. Improve displaying/hiding logic of basemap elements when scaling UI. beta5.2.3: 2024-12-1 Fix a {%= LRARE %} issue where refresh time format error may cause item count 0/0. Optimize UI scaling to fit Portrait Mode. Refactor UI scaling logic, now adjusting UI scaling will zoom map elements as well. beta5.2.2: 2024-11-24 Fix a {%= LRARE %} issue where login error may cause item count 0/0. Fix a {%= LRARE %} issue in Pin Association where pin abnormally disappears when clicking on other pins after clicking on pins belonging to the same cluster. Fix a {%= LNORMAL %} issue that may cause shortcut UI unclickable and animation error. Optimize label color for pins belonging to current layer in Multi-Layered Mode, which is the same as in the game now. Optimize icon style for icons without icon. Add text for Tecoloapan Bay area. beta5.2.1: 2024-11-20 Fix a {%= LRARE %} issue where app can not be used in new environment. Fix a {%= LNORMAL %} issue that, in Multi-Region-Selection Mode with Show Items Outside Current Map Mode enabled, focusing on a non-current-map item and deselecting the current map may cause the filter to exclusively display non-current-map items. beta5.2: 2024-11-20 Update 5.2 map and resources. Fix an {%= LEPIC %} issue that may cause save malfunctions. Fix an {%= LEPIC %} issue that may cause Offline Mode malfunctions. Fix a {%= LRARE %} issue that may cause abnormal sizing in pin popup text boxes. Fix a {%= LNORMAL %} issue that may cause audio distortion during login. Fix a {%= LNORMAL %} issue that causes island switching failures in the 2.8 Golden Apple Archipelago area. Fix a {%= LNORMAL %} issue where deselect items when pin popup is opened may cause pin to be in the topmost layer. Add a secondary confirmation popup before clearing all selected items. Add Item Preset Add Item Search Add Multi-Region Mode Add Show Items Outside Current Map Mode Add Item Spotlight Add Item Focus Add Item Context Menu Add Right-Click Region to Focus Add new I18N options for startup screen Add SFX options for startup screen Optimize judgement logic for Selected Item panel Optimize tooltip behavior to only refresh display duration when tooltips with identical content are triggered. Improve performance across all scrollable components. Optimize UI animations for region selection, category selection, and item selection interfaces. Improve scrollable window performance to prevent frame drops no matter how many items being loaded. Optimize data structures to improve operational efficiency. Improve performance by optimizing Garbage Collection GC calls. Optimize visual effects performance during map transitions. Optimize camera zooming behavior during UI interactions. Improve Item Progress Bar UI performance. Optimize layout management logic in the settings interface UI. Optimize cave entrance detection logic Add a bunch of BUG features beta5.0.2: 2024-9-23 Fix an {%= LEPIC %} issue where Relation Type errors may cause item state refresh failures, resulting in Item Count displays as 413/812. Fix a {%= LNORMAL %} issue where Auto Switch Multi-Layered Map may not work. Fix a {%= LNORMAL %} issue where Region Filter Sorting may not work properly. New Directional Related, Unidirectional Path, Bidirectional Path type are now available in the Pin Association. Add a new option for Windows Graphics Settings in Position Tracker to facilitate deactivate windowed-game optimization. beta5.0.1:2024-8-28 Fix a {%= LRARE %} issue where the pin hidden state of some layers might be incorrect. Fix a {%= LNORMAL %} issue where the DLL version translation may not apply. beta5.0: 2024-8-28 Update 5.0 map and resources. Fix a {%= LNORMAL %} issue where resource version may be -1. Fix a {%= LNORMAL %} issue where the scrollbar of the pin popup might not be able to be dragged. Fix a {%= LNORMAL %} issue where some text changes might not take effect immediately when switching languages. Optimize I18n language reselection logic. Improve webp format support for images. Improve FX performance when switching item types. beta4.8: 2024-7-17 Update 4.8 map and resources. beta4.7.2: 2024-6-25 Fix a {%= LRARE %} issue where unmarking pins may unmark multiple times causing pins to disappear directly. Fix a {%= LNORMAL %} issue where cave entrances may be affected by opacity settings when opening for the first time. beta4.7.1:2024-6-17 Fix a {%= LNORMAL %} issue where data read exception may cause item count reports 413/812. beta4.7:2024-6-17 Update some basemap text. Fix an {%= LEPIC %} issue where the program may not operate after forcing exit and reopening when activating Overlay Mode. Optimize Selected Items panel, now items with the same name will be merged. Optimize I18n language reselection logic. beta4.6.3: 2024-5-4 Fix a {%= LNORMAL %} issue where some pin popups may unable to open when activating Auto Switch Multi-Layered Map. Fix a {%= LNORMAL %} issue where you may unable to close pin popup by clicking the Close button. beta4.6.2: 2024-5-1 Update Position Tracker for Sea of Bygone Eras. Update some layered maps. Change some basemap text positions. Fix a {%= LRARE %} issue where status restoration may restore other items with the same name. Add a {%= LEPIC %} feature, Auto Switch Multi-Layered Map. When enabled, clicking on pins will automatically switch to corresponding layer. Add new option "Show Cave Entrances in Multi-Layered Mode" in Settings. Optimize Save Rollback, with the addition of data cleaning and date selection, the program may not get stuck with too much data now Optimize Tooltip, now middle click can also open POI details, so you can check POI details on middle click while editing the canvas beta4.6.1: 2024-4-24 Fix a {%= LRARE %} issue where Dragonspine area may incorrectly displayed as Veluriyam Mirage beta4.6: 2024-4-24 Update 4.6 map and resources Fix an {%= LEPIC %} issue where Position Tracker may not be able to enable when the location tracking version update server crashes Fix a {%= LNORMAL %} issue where SFX may be abnormally stuttering when enabling Position Tracker Fix a {%= LNORMAL %} issue which may cause data error on very few items Fix a {%= LNORMAL %} issue which may cause Show Cave Entrances in Multi-Layered Mode malfunctioning Add a {%= LMYTH %} feature, Pin Association. This feature benefits in tracking and marking pins by connecting pins with relations. Moreover, related settings are added, and pin relations can be auto-triggered once configured. Optimize redirection logic for some web links. Optimize pin rendering behavior at high map zoom levels. beta4.4.4:2024-2-27 Fix a {%= LEPIC %} issue that causes Position Tracking Module download failures. Fix a {%= LRARE %} issue which may cause Overlay Mode errors when Graphic Settings are set to Borderless in-game. Fix a {%= LRARE %} issue which may cause Run in Offline Mode and Exit button malfunctions after three download failures. Fix a {%= LNORMAL %} issue which may cause the Position Tracker update detection error. Fix a {%= LNORMAL %} issue which may cause tooltip text to detach from prompt window. Optimize Location Tracker's version selection UI. Moreover, a marker is added to the downloaded version. Optimize UI tips for some long text.